Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fast Weight Loss Though Fish Oil - How To Lose Weight Now With Omega 3 Fish Oil


By Mike M Gibson

Omega 3 has been established as healthful in many ways. All the health fad people are asking, what about weight loss? Omega 3 does play a part in healthy weight. It is a fatty acid, the kind of fat that is good for your body. If you are going to eat fat, this is the best one to eat.

Once we got over the fat-free fad, we discovered that our bodies do need fat, but only a certain kind. One of the best fats to consume is fish oil. It contains DHA, EPA, and ALA; all fatty acids. Aside from the plethora of health benefits we already know about, it has become evident, that these also help us lose weight and maintain healthy weight.

Aside from the benefits of replacing unhealthy fats with fish oil, there is research that suggests omega 3 actually helps us lose weight. The metabolism of these fatty acids produces enzymes that help burn fat. In combination with a good diet, hydration, and exercise, fish oil can get us going on the path to getting rid of fat.

These health lifestyles boost the metabolism and start burning that fat. Fatty acids from fish oil lower triglycerides and LDLs, and increase HDLs for healthier blood cholesterol.

Omega 3 fish oil has been proven to help in the uptake of glucose. This decreases the need for insulin and fine tunes the body to deal with sugars. This in turn encourages our bodies to use sugars and fats instead of storing them.

So in a way it prevents weight gain and fat storage. Fish oil can boost energy by improving overall health. It improves heart and circulation systems, primes the brain, and decreases inflammation. Health is increased and disease is decreased. When we feel good we are more likely to get off the couch and have a more active lifestyle.

Omega 3 is not a miracle weight loss compound, but it will aid us in getting to a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle. It is a recommended supplement for just about everybody. If it is purchased in a pure form and with a correct dosage, it can be one of the best things we do for ourselves every day.

Buy a supplement that contains at least 200 mg of DHA and EPA fatty acids. Make sure that it is free from pollutants and has been purified by molecular distillation.

If you're interested in reading more about the health benefits of omega 3s and fish oil supplements, feel free to visit my website where I discuss the truth about omega 3 fish oil and what I personally use to stay healthy and in shape.

You can view my website now by clicking this link: http://www.omega-3-supplement.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_M_Gibson


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