Monday, October 18, 2010

How the Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Program Deals With Hunger


By Marc Carlin

You've been gaining weight and having difficulty taking if off. You've been eating too much food, eating the wrong types of food, eating at the wrong times and for the wrong reasons. All of those eating related improper behaviors might have had you thinking that you have an increase in hunger. After all, when someone asks you why you're eating, you've probably told them that you were hungry, right? Well is that true? What is hunger?

Hunger is your body's physical response to a drop in blood sugar. Your body is designed to get energy or fuel from what we call food. In fact your body has a whole system designed to take in raw materials, organic matter like vegetables, fruit, nuts, animal products, and break them down into the building blocks of sustainable life for us humans. This is the fuel that we put into our system so we can get up and go, each and every morning.

Because you need a continual source of fuel to survive, you need a way of knowing when you need to replenish your fuel supplies. And that's where hunger comes in. The feeling and sensation of hunger is like the low fuel supply light on the dashboard of your car. Hunger notifies you that your fuel is running low and it's time to replenish by eating more of the raw materials. So when blood sugar drops, you feel hungry.

The interesting thing is that when you start to eat, and your body begins to digest food, your blood sugar rises. And depending on the speed in which digestion takes place, blood sugar can rise rapidly. When blood sugar rises, hunger disappears. Your body has a programmed response that prevents you from over eating. It's a beautiful thing.

The virtual gastric band program can help you to stop overeating in a very straight forward manner. The virtual gastric band is an imagined band placed on the top part of your stomach. It's a program that mimics the actual gastric band surgery in your mind. Providing your creative mind with a reason for feeling full quicker.

Putting yourself in touch with your natural physical hunger is one of the first steps to taking back control. Because if you are fat and overweight, you got that way by eating when you weren't really hungry. Or continuing to eat when you have enough food for your nourishment. So it's a process of getting back to the basics of normal, or what should be normal instinctual behavior.

And I invite you to join one of my free gastric band hypnosis groups for weight loss. These groups are actively testing to see how effective this process can be. This program has been getting between 90-95% success rate with attendees losing weight. There are also reduced price individual sessions available for the virtual gastric band in New York, and you can take advantage of these free and low cost offers for the remainder of 2010.

You can find more info at and see how the initial volunteers have done with the virtual gastric band.

Marc Carlin is also the co-author of the book, Real World Hypnosis, Insider Tips From The World's Leading Hypnotists that can be found at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other booksellers worldwide.

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