Monday, October 18, 2010

The Easy Way to Lose Weight Fast


By Jen K. Jones

After someone has made the decision to get rid of some weight the majority of people are keen to lose weight fast. After all, if it's possible to get that thinner look more quickly, why not? While it is possible to lose weight fast and make certain it doesn't come back there are quite a few possible barriers that must be overcome, these can be difficult, especially if the person trying is doing so on their own and not looking for the advice and direction of people that have managed to get long lasting results themselves. It is therefore crucial to find out the best method for losing those extra pounds.

The way most people immediately and intuitively turn to in order to get rid of that weight is simply to eat less. Unfortunately this is the only alternative most dieters consider but there are other ways to lose weight that some find easier. Eating less or even better cutting out entirely those foods that are bad for you is a great idea but reducing your calorific intake too much below the recommended daily amount is certainly not such a great idea. Cutting back on your calories too far below the recommended daily amount will send your body into a mode where it thinks there is a food shortage. The body's response is to retain as much energy as possible as body fat and expend less by reducing its metabolic rate. The result of all this is that it's harder to lose that weight.

Should it be that a dieter has rejected calorie restriction as a viable option then they are likely to choose to change what they eat to just a few foods that they consider to be healthy, it's quite easy to appreciate that diets such as these are hard to stick to and a lot of people flop early on. Most people have heard a friend or two comment that they followed this summer's fashionable diet and consequently shed an amazing number of pounds in only a few days. Regrettably, when you next hear of this person it can easily be the case that they've put all the weight they lost back on and then some more for good measure.

If you are going to try to get rid of some weight fast then there are some things you should keep in mind. How you set off on your diet is a good indicator of whether you will succeed or not. You can make a good start if you know what you're aiming for and having a definite plan will help with this. As usual it's crucial to have the right state of mind. Obviously, if you don't make sure your getting the correct nutrition and diet then being determined won't get you too far.

In order to do well in your diet it's sensible to follow at least the following dietary advice. Firstly, it's crucial to drink plenty of water to flush your system. There are good fats and bad fats in all our diets and needless to say you should try to decrease the bad and boost the good through eating oily fish, more nuts and skipping fried and other foods including things like hydrogenated oils. A common cause of weight gain is of course over-eating. Also it's far too common for people to skip breakfast completely and get most of their calories during the main evening meal. Loading all your calories like this forces the body to produce a lot of insulin in one go and this is not a great situation to be in, you'll likely feel sluggish and tired in the evening as you try to digest all this food but empty and tired at other times of the day. Therefore, if you're trying to lose weight fast, a good approach to eat more often and have your daily allowance split evenly over those meals. Fibre is the last point I'm going to mention, it's a vital part of a healthy diet. Since it's believed that a diet high in fibre will help you to eat fewer carbohydrates and so avoid the resulting high and low levels of blood sugar, then the risk of weight gain is reduced. The way to lose weight fast therefore has the best chance of success if the dieter follows a thorough, well researched program and preferably one specifically designed for their needs.

Jen K. Jones writes for the website Evaporate The Weight which aims to give its readers information, tips and general advice on all manner of weight loss issues. You can find more great weight loss articles and product reviews at

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