Monday, October 18, 2010

I Can't Get Rid of My Love Handles! What Do I Do?


By Greg Nilson

"I just can't get rid of my love handles! What can I do?" That is exactly what I said six months ago. Since, then I have tried just about anything - numerous diet programs and workout regimens and have had minimal success on my big problem areas - which happened to be my love handles. I had an fairly nice body despite the extra tires that would not get worn down no matter how hard I tried!

Then, I slowly began to shift my thinking. I began to learn that changing my lifestyle altogether would deliver the results I needed and desperately wanted.

This is what I learned: It's not just about losing weight. It's really about losing the fat. After all, I didn't really care about how much the scale said I weighed. I was more interested in how little fat I had and the way it made me fit into my new clothes.

So, what I ended up doing is chucking that old weight scale and began to look at increasing my energy, feeling good, and increasing my stamina at the activities that were important to me.

I changed the way I shopped. I didn't buy any packaged goods. I didn't bring home any twelve packs or stocked up on wine or chips. I decreased my portion sizes by half. And I stopped using greasy sprays or cooking oil to prepare my meals. If I had to fry it - it was gone. If I had to put high calorie sauces on it, it was gone. Every night after dinner, I went for a walk. Not only did I find this helpful to my digestion, but it lowered my cholesterol.

Of course, I decided to stay with my workout regimen - going to the gym twice a week and swimming once a week.

Soon, I found my love handles slipping away. The good thing about it, was that I began to feel good about myself because I was not letting the scale dictate my happiness. Of course, I need a little help, because I love pasta, breads, and beer. So, to help me I took a carb-fighting supplement that helped me reduce my carb intake as I transitioned. I use it still today - six months later - especially when I go out with the guys and grab a beer. It helps block the absorption of the carbs that would ruin my efforts.

Hey, I got to live and have fun once in awhile, right? I can do my part on watching my weight and exercising - and getting the right help when I need it.

For an effective carb-blocking formula that reduces your carb intake, try

Article Source:!-What-Do-I-Do?&id=5206434

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