Friday, June 25, 2010

All Things Weight Loss


By Jonathan Hosier

So it's the beach bod time of year again. People are looking to get fit and do it fast. Every year it's the same. The insane dieting and use of crazy weight loss products both go into overdrive. And every year, after spending millions of dollars, Americans concede defeat. So why not take the more logical route this year? Presently, my readers are sitting echoing the same thing in their head... "Please don't say exercise." Sorry guys, it's the truth. I will be the first to let you know when they make a miracle pill that beats out work. I'll also let you know when free energy and free money come along too.

The equation is simple. Yes you can use supplements to help make the process more effective, but it's not changing the form. Diet and exercise. Eat less than what your body metabolizes in a non-exerted day and burn calories by exercising on top of that. That is the magic formula. If you are a 6' male who weighs 215, it looks like you are eating 2200 a day. If you are a 5'7" woman who weighs 145, it looks like you are going to be eating 1600.

The exercise itself doesn't need to be set in stone. Find a workout plan on the internet that appeals to you. All that matters is that you do not rest for more than 30 seconds between cycles. It is important to keep your heart rate up. This is why circuit training and walk-run-walk cardio routines have gained success.

Visit to learn more about starting yourself on a workout plan.

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