Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tips For Losing Weight Fast - These 2 Amazing Tips Got Me the Body of My Dreams in 8 Weeks Easily!


By A. Barnes

Are you looking for tips for losing weight fast, BUT, also easily, consistently, and permanently? Alright my friend, take a few minutes out of your hectic day and read on to learn about 2 incredibly powerful tips I started doing that made a tremendous impact on my body (both internally and externally).

1.) Readjust Your Nutrition - If you found yourself getting caught up with those crazy fad diet programs (low carb, low fat, starvation, celebrity, etc.), then don't worry... I fell for them too! Those programs are ineffective due to their unnatural methods for losing weight fast. Our bodies will never respond properly to restricting nutrients or calories... which is why those diets never work.

What you need to do in order to get "proper nutrition" is to firstly make sure that you are getting ALL types of nutrients. You need antioxidants (berries, green tea), healthy fats (fish, nuts, olive oil), protein (whey protein shakes, lean chicken/turkey breast, tuna, egg whites, Greek organic yogurt), healthy carbs (fiber), and of course, vitamins/minerals (fruits & veggies).

Also, proper nutrition consists of HOW you eat too. What I recommend you do is to get on a program that is based on eating several small meals daily. Eating more frequently through out the day is not some type of new fad... it is scientifically proven effective for reducing hunger, cravings, and it will boost your metabolism to the maximum peak.

2.) Increase Your Metabolism - The first week I started doing natural things to increase my metabolic rate, I noticed a HUGE difference! Increasing your metabolic rate with natural methods is a surefire way to melt away pounds of fat and get extremely fast weight loss. Here are some tips I recommend:

A.) High intensity workouts - I highly recommend you start doing higher intensity exercises (sprinting, increasing the incline on a treadmill, circuit training, H.I.I.T). This type of workout will not only boost your metabolism, it also MAINTAINS muscle tissue (unlike low intensity cardio such as walking or jogging), and it will increase your R.M.R (resting metabolic rate)... which means you'll burn fat... while you sleep!

B.) Eat more frequently - Get 4-5 small healthy meals instead of the usual 2 or 3 big meals.

C.) Shifting calories - This dieting technique seriously made a huge impact on my goals. What it is based on is alternating the pattern of how you each nutrients to trick your metabolic rate into increasing to the highest peak.

D.) Drink Green Tea - I recommend you get at least 1 cup of green tea each day. This has plenty of antioxidants and will help increase your metabolism.

Bottom line, once I started doing those 2 huge tips above, I went from dropping a couple of pounds every now and then, to easily, quickly, and consistently dropping 50 pounds of fat in 8 weeks... PERMANENTLY!

Want to Melt Away Fat FAST and drop 25 lbs. IN A MONTH? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting! >> Click to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Article Source:!&id=4571564

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